I'm currently am writing a site where the users fill out a form with some information to signup, and the server verifies the correctness of that information on its end before allowing a successful signup. If the information is invalid, I want the user to be redirected to a page that tells them what went wrong. I currently have the form/user adapter working and am now adding in the verification for social signup (manual signup is currently working fine, although the code is ugly).
Is there a way to add in a redirection in the form/adapter for social signup? If not, how do I handle this?
I don't think you want to handle this with redirection to a separate page, but rather with form validators.
By writing a custom adapter you should be able to override the default "clean" methods to display any error messages you want when the information is invalid. In your adapter, simply raise a django.forms.ValidationError on bad input and pass the error message back to the template that way.
Take a look at this question for more information on writing the custom form validator.