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MailMessage Delete attachments after sending if in Path.GetTempPath()

Pardon my newness to the MailMessage and SmtpClient classes. I've built something that basically works, but in preparing to send the attachments, I sometimes copy the attachments to the temporary files location (Path.GetTempPath() + @"\" + timestampWithFF), because they sometimes must be zipped to send. When this happens, I want to make sure I delete the files there after sending (especially because anything there is going to be relatively large).

Two-fold question: 1. should I not bother with cleaning up the files because the OS (win7) will do a good job of it? 2. how can I get the HDD location of the Attachments in client.SendCompleted?

client.SendCompleted += (s, e) =>
    foreach(Attachment a in msg.Attachments)
        // want to actually delete the file from the HDD if it's in Path.GetTempPath();

I see I could use a.Dispose(), but I don't have any idea what it does...I suspect it's disposing of the object (which msg.Dispose would do next anyways), but would leave the files on the HDD.

must I send the filepaths of the attachments separately? the client.SendCompleted() line is in: sendMailAsync(SmtpClient client, MailMessage msg) method. I could change this to: sendMailAsync(SmtpClient client, MailMessage msg, List<string> attachments) and add this to the SendCompleted(), but it feels kinda clunky:

string tempDir = Path.GetTempPath();
foreach(string f in attachments)
    if(f.Contains(tempDir))    // want to actually delete the file from the HDD if it's in Path.GetTempPath();
        if (File.Exists(f)) { File.Delete(f); }


    1. should I not bother with cleaning up the files because the OS (win7) will do a good job of it?

    If i were you, I would still delete the temp file, though OS would clean it, when it deems necessary

    1. how can I get the HDD location of the Attachments in client.SendCompleted?

    The files in the attachments can be retrieved through ContentStream. Their type would be of FileStream.

    client.SendCompleted += (s, e) =>
        var fileattachments = msg.Attachments
                              .Select(x => x.ContentStream)
                              .Select(fs => fs.Name)
        string tempPath = Path.GetTempPath();
        foreach (var attachment in fileattachments )

    Note: First dispose the msg object and then do the deletion