Inside a QVTo transformation I want to apply the <<Create>>
stereotype from the UML Standard Profile to a newly created Operation. On page 678 of the UML spec it says, that it is applicable to BehavioralFeatures and consequently to Operations. I tried the following inside a helper, but to no avail:
var _result := object Class {};
var const := object Operation {
name := "Constructor";
_class := _result;
ownedParameter += object Parameter{
name := "return";
type := _result;
direction := ParameterDirectionKind::_return;
_result.ownedOperation += const;
log("", SP.ownedStereotype![name = "Create"]));
// ", data: org.eclipse.uml2.uml.internal.impl.StereotypeImpl@4e796d93 (name: Create, visibility: <unset>) (isLeaf: false, isAbstract: false, isFinalSpecialization: false) (isActive: false)"
log("", const.getApplicableStereotypes());
// , data: []
log("", const.applyStereotype(SP.ownedStereotype![name = "Create"]));
// ", data: <Invalid>"
The transformation works on an inout sourceModel : UML
and I checked that the profile is applied to the sourceModel
in advance:
property SP = sourceModel.rootObjects()![Model].getAppliedProfile("StandardProfile");
What am I doing wrong and how is this done correctly?
I found out that I can apply the stereotype from the context of a mapping after it was returned by the helper and added to an element like this:
// TODO: Refine selector if there is more than one Operation
.applyStereotype(SP.ownedStereotype![name = "Create"]);
I suspect, that inside the helper the element does not belong to the output model, yet, and therefore can not be applied a stereotype from a profile that is applied to the model.