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jqgrid edit combined columns and bind data

I have a jqgrid where I have used custom_element to format the display.

            name: 'PDTime', index: 'PDTime', width: 60, editable: true, formatter: timeSpanHMFormatter, edittype: 'text', editoptions: {
                custom_element: function (value, options) {
                    var elemStr = '<div> <select id="UTTime" name="UTTime" >'

                    for (var i = 0; i < 24; i++) {
                        elemStr = elemStr + '<option value="' + i + '">' + i + '</option>'
                    elemStr = elemStr + "</select> </div>";
                    return $(elemStr)[0];
                custom_value: function (elem, operation, value) {


The formatter is a time span display showing Hours and Minutes. The value 'PDTime' is an object which has properties Hours and Minutes.

function timeSpanHMFormatter(cellvalue, options, rowObject) {        
    if (cellvalue.Hours == 0 && cellvalue.Minutes == 0)
        return "";
    var value = "00:00";

    if ( cellvalue.Hours.toString().length == 1 )
        value = "0" + cellvalue.Hours
        value = cellvalue.Hours

    if (cellvalue.Minutes.toString().length == 1)
        value = value + ":0" + cellvalue.Minutes
        value = value + ":" + cellvalue.Minutes

    return value;

In view mode the cell looks like 02:30 etc., depending on the value. I want to bind values to this PDTime object in edit mode and I am not sure how to do it.

The custom_element creates an hour dropdown for now and I am trying to bind the dropdown selected value into PDTime.Hours. How can I do this ?


  • As can be seen from the Guriddo Documentation here for the custom element it is needed to define a custom_value function with operation set to get.

    The trick here is that this event should return object when operation is get. Below is a exsmple:

    custom_value: function (elem, oper) {
        if(oper==='get') {
            var hour = $("#UTTime", elem).val();
            // get the minutes according to your definition
            var time = $("#UTTime", elem).val(); 
            return {"Hours" : hour,  "Minutes": time};

    Note that when the data is posted to the server PDTime is a object. You can simplify the post returning one one or more values using the serializeRowData event ( look here ) This event is jqGrid event and you can do it like this:

        serializeRowData : function( postdata ) {
            var hours = postdata.PDTime.Hours;
            var minutes postdata.PDTime.Minutes;
            posdata.PDTime = hours+":"+minutes;
            // or what you want data combination
            return postdata;