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How to upgrade minor version of angular using angular cli

This is a simple question but I'm struggling to find the answer via Google...

I have an angular 4 project (created using angular cli) and would like to make use of http interceptors that have just been released in 4.3.

How do I upgrade to this minor release using angular cli?


  • In my Angular CLI project I use npm update to update my dependencies. With npm outdated, you can see all outdated dependencies.

    Update June 2018

    If you're using Angular CLI version 6+, you can use the new ng update <packagename> command to update your dependencies.

    ⚠️ This will update to the newest major version. If you don't want that stick with npm update. ⚠️

    For simple updates, the CLI command ng update is all you need. Without additional arguments, ng update lists the updates that are available to you and provides recommended steps to update your application to the most current version.