I have an elixir umbrella application (A) which has multiple applications underneath. One of them (B) is defined is separate repository and contains its own config (config/config.exs
) file, mostly with default values.
When adding application B to A and starting umbrella application, configuration for application B is not loaded. It looks like I need to explicitly include all configuration params for B in A config.
I would expect that config for application B will be still available in application A and I would only have to override some specific values.
Could anyone explain to me how I can achieve it without specifying all config params again in main application (A) config file?
An umbrella application generated with mix new --umbrella
should automatically include the configs of all applications.
In your_project/apps/app_a/mix.exs
it should be configured to read the config from the umbrella root:
build_path: "../../_build",
config_path: "../../config/config.exs",
deps_path: "../../deps",
lockfile: "../../mix.lock",
And in your_project/config/config.exs
, it should include all apps config:
use Mix.Config
# By default, the umbrella project as well as each child
# application will require this configuration file, ensuring
# they all use the same configuration. While one could
# configure all applications here, we prefer to delegate
# back to each application for organization purposes.
import_config "../apps/*/config/config.exs"