This is the example from cppreference. I don't understand how the pattern get expanded.
template<typename ...Ts, int... N> void g(Ts (&...arr)[N]) {}
int n[1];
g<const char, int>("a", n); // Ts (&...arr)[N] expands to
// const char (&)[2], int(&)[1]
Note: In the pattern Ts (&...arr)[N], the ellipsis is the innermost element, not the last element as in all other pack expansions.
Question 1: what is arr?
Question 2: n is a int array, does it match to int...N?
Question 3: How come it can expand to const char (&)[2], int(&)[1]
template <typename ...Ts> void f(Ts&...arr);
is mostly equivalent to
template <typename T0, typename T1, .., typename TN>
void f(T0& arr0, T1& arr1, .., TN& arrN);
for any N
In the same way,
template <typename ...Ts, int... Ns> void g(Ts (&...arr)[Ns]);
would be equivalent to
template <typename T0, typename T1, .., typename TN, int N0, int N1, .. int NN>
void g(T0 (&arr0)[N0], T1 (&arr1)[N1], .., TN (&arrN)[NN]);
and type T (&)[N]
is a reference to C-array of size N
with element of type T
int n[1];
is trivially of type int [1]
is of type const char[2]
({'a', '\0'}