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Make $location.path open in the same frame (target = "_self")

In a mean-stack web application with html5mode, I have defined the following angular-ui-router

.state('addinHome', {
    url: '/addin/home',
    template: "home page"

Then, I have another page https://localhost:3000/test/ with a button <a href="/addin/home">button</a>. Also in its controller, I have

... ...
... ...

Normally, both $location.path and the button lead to https://localhost:3000/addin/home.

Now, I add the following references in index.html:

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

It disturbs the ui-router. As a consequence, both $location.path and the button lead to https://localhost:3000/test/#%2Faddin#%2Fhome, which is NOT what I want.

I have found the solution to fix the button: it is using <a href="addin/home" target="_self">button</a> (opens the linked document in the same frame as it was clicked; see here).

However, I have not found the solution to fix $location.path("/addin/home"). Could anyone help?


    • Inject $window as dependency.

    • Try using $,"_self")