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Autoit FF.au3 cant check if element is focused

How can I check if the element is focused?

This is my try:

I have prepared a function that checks if the object is focused:

_FFCmd('FFau3.isfocused=function isfocused(a){try{return (a === document.activeElement)}catch(e){return}}')

$oElm = _FFXPath("//*[@id='someId']")

Func _FFIsFocused($sElement = "")
    Local $isFoc = _FFCmd("FFau3.isfocused(" & $sElement & ")")
    Return $isFoc
EndFunc   ;==>_FFIsFocused

It never trows TRUE. Seems like the object I'm sending is type XUL object.


  • Got help from Autoit forum from user Danp2!

    The final code is:

    _FFCmd('FFau3.isfocused=function isfocused(a){try{return (a === FFau3.WCD.activeElement)}catch(e){return}}')
    $oElm = _FFXPath("//*[@id='someId']")
    Func _FFIsFocused($sElement = "")
        Local $isFoc = _FFCmd("FFau3.isfocused(" & $sElement & ")")
        Return $isFoc
    EndFunc   ;==>_FFIsFocused

    The problem was with document.activeElement that we couldn't access that way since we are doing it from inside the mozrepl. FFau3.WCD.activeElement is to be used instead.