I have an issue with this code used in a linq to entities Expression:
int _val = Convert.ToInt32(value);
Expression term1 = Expression.Equal(Expression.Property(Expression.PropertyOrField(bookProperty, "type"), "key"), Expression.Constant("taille", typeof(string)));
Expression temp1 = Expression.Property(bookProperty, "value");
MethodInfo Parse = typeof(int).GetMethod("Parse", new[] { typeof(string) });
Expression term2 = Expression.GreaterThanOrEqual(Expression.Call(Parse, temp1), Expression.Constant(_val, typeof(int)));
conditions = Expression.And(term1, term2);
bookproperty is an object that set properties for other objects (Book) the value of the property is store in a "value" field in database. Because value can store booleans, integers, doubles, text etc. it's set to string.
In this particular case I need to parse the string to int.
It doesn't work, I think, because some value fields store non parseable values.
And I get thise error:
FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.
But I don't know how to deal with it.
Thanks for your Help.
Finaly I found the solution it was just a matter of operator:
The goal of the expression was to obtain a linq query like this:
bookProperty.Where(b=> b.type== "taille && b.value == 1)
For that I used Expression.And()
That was the mistake: &&
correspond ton AndAlso