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RDLC report stop working after change Visual Studio 2015 to Visual Studio 2017

I have an AspNet MVC project in Visual Studio 2017 that was previously developed in Visual Studio 2015. This project contains many rdlc files that were working fine until I edited one of them. Now, when I try to download the pdf from the rdlc edited I get this error:

The definition of this report is not valid or supported by this version of Reporting Services. The report definition may have been created with a later version of Reporting Services, or contain content that is not well-formed or not valid based on Reporting Services schemas. Details: The report definition has an invalid target namespace '' which cannot be upgraded.

The rdlc edited changes its namespace from to

The project is running with net framework 4.6.2 and it has installed Microsoft.ReportViewer.Runtime.Common.12.0.2402.15 and Microsoft.ReportViewer.Runtime.WebForms.12.0.2402.15 nuget packages


  • I had the same problem and I solved it uninstalling the nuget packages Microsoft.ReportViewer.Runtime.Common and Microsoft.ReportViewer.Runtime.WebForms and installing the package Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportViewerControl.WebForms.140.340.80. I would like to highlight that I had to add a reference to System.Windows.Forms because there is a dependency in the class ReportDataSource that I use to render my reports