As shown in the above figure, I have to click the down arrow button on left top status bar to show the menu. I have written code which highlights the menu button but the men options are not displayed.
JavaWindow("FX Deal Station (User:").JavaMenu("16icon").Select
JavaWindow("FX Deal Station (User:").JavaMenu("16icon").JavaMenu("Back-Office").Select
JavaWindow("FX Deal Station (User:").JavaMenu("16icon").JavaMenu("Back-Office").JavaMenu("BO Window").Select
Please suggest.
Ahh the dreaded Calypso' FX Deal Station menu.
Here is the hack which I've used to select menu
Call JavaWindow("FX Deal Station (User:").JavaMenu("16icon").Object.doClickOnMenu
JavaWindow("FX Deal Station (User:").JavaMenu("16icon").JavaMenu("Back-Office").JavaMenu("BO Window").Select