How can I achieve below with vimperator (possibly some javascript)?
on windows 10
qmark d file:///E:/somedirectory
on linux
qmark d file:///home/username/somedirectory
what kind of code should be put into my .vimperatorrc
Maybe you could try something like this
js if(options["shell"]=="/bin/bash"){quickmarks.add("d", "file:///home/username/somedirectory")}else{quickmarks.add("d","file:///E:/somedirectory")};
Explanation: If /bin/bash is your shell you're running linux. If you're running windows this will probably be cmd.exe (It is on windows 7, I can't test on windows 10 unfortunately). The vimperator internal function quickmarks.add is then used to add the desired quickmark. If there are problems, try
echo options["shell"]
in the vimperator shell and then change the line accordingly.