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Google sign in button not working

I've got a very basic problem. I'm trying to integrate google sign in to my website from this link:

And so I just set up a new html file, with exactly this code

<!doctype html>
  <meta name="google-signin-client_id" content="">
  <div id="my-signin2"></div>
    function onSuccess(googleUser) {
      console.log('Logged in as: ' + googleUser.getBasicProfile().getName());
    function onFailure(error) {
    function renderButton() {
      gapi.signin2.render('my-signin2', {
        'scope': 'profile email',
        'width': 240,
        'height': 50,
        'longtitle': true,
        'theme': 'dark',
        'onsuccess': onSuccess,
        'onfailure': onFailure

  <script src="" async defer></script>

The code is from here:

Now the issue is, its simply not working. NOTHING is showing up on the screen, and I have no clue why. On the other hand, when I try it here it somehow works.

This is really absurd. Could someone please help me out here?



  • You have to run this code on a web server. You can't just access the file locally or else the code will error out because of a cookie policy. If you want a local dev server look into something like XAMPP or find a free host online.