I'm using some module with koa and they only have this documentation which is written in koa v1 not v2. and since I've never used v1 before, I have no idea how to write this in v2.
IncomingForm: form
.use(function * () {
console.log(this.body.user) // => test
console.log(this.request.files) // or `this.body.files`
console.log(this.body.files.foo.name) // => README.md
console.log(this.body.files.foo.path) // => full filepath to where is uploaded
Changing from Koa v1 to Koa v2 is a pretty simple process. The only reason for the version bump is that it uses async
functions instead of generators for your middleware.
Example v1 Middleware:
app.use(function* (next) {
yield next
this.body = 'hello'
Example v2 Middleware:
app.use(async (ctx, next) => {
await next()
ctx.body = 'hello'
use async
functions instead of generators, and accept ctx
as a parameter instead of using this