I am new to JsRender, Please help me with below issue...
I am stuck with one silly issue, I have spent lots of time but can't find a relevant article for help.
Inside my I have made a javascript variable (s_name) and want to use it in my for loop as name for my radio button. But I am unable to do so. Please find below the code.. Need your help guys..
{{for Product}}
<div class="leftOptInner1 my_left_{{:Id}}" id="my_left_inneropt">
<div class="leftIconInner1 my_{{:Id}}" name="{{:Name}}" id="{{:Id}}" >
<!-- <div class="leftIcon1 designer_left_icon "> -->
<div class="designer_left_icon ">
<img src="{{:ImageSource}}" width="100%" height="100%">
<p >{{:Name}}</p>
<span class="name" id="{{:Id}}"></span>
{{:"<scr" + "ipt type="text/javascript">"}}
var s_name = "{{:Name}}";
// s_name.render();
{{:"</scr" + "ipt>"}}
<div class="rightIconOptOuter" style="width: 100% !important; float: left;">
{{for Options}}
{{for Features}}
<div class="rightIconOptInnerBox">
<div class="tick">
<div class="single_set_designer col-md-2">
<div class="fav-heart1 fav-heart_deisgner" id="{{:Id}}">
<span class="name" id="{{:Id}}"></span>
<div class="checkbox" id="{{:Id}}">
<input class="myChk designer_chk" type="checkbox" id="{{:Id}}" data-textronic_id="{{:Id}}" data-textronic_name="{{:Name}}" name="check[]" />
<div class="element_wrp text-center">
<img src="{{:ImageSource}}">
<div class="price_hide">
<a class="show_price" id="{{:Id}}"><i class="fa fa-inr" aria-hidden="true"></i> Add Cost</a>
<input class="cost_associated form-control text-center showdesign{{:Id}}" type="text" value="" name="cost" style="display: none;">
<input type="radio" name="WE_WANT_s_name_HERE" id="{{:Id}}" value="{{:Name}}">
{{/for}} //products
You can pass the s_name variable as a helper.
See http://www.jsviews.com/#helpers
For example:
var helpers = {
s_name_Hlpr: s_name,
myTmpl.render(data, helpers);
Then write:
<input type="radio" name="{{:s_name_Hlpr}}" ... />
Allow Code
Alternatively (but better avoided) you can allow code access in your template:
See http://www.jsviews.com/#allowcodetag
First set:
Then write:
<input type="radio" name="{{*:s_name}}" ... />
Contextual parameters
That said, it looks like you're are trying to initialize your s_name from data.
var s_name = "{{:Name}}";
You may really be wanting to pass in the Name from the product, which you can do like this:
{{for Product}}
{{for Options ~prod_name=Name}}
{{for Features}}
<input type="radio" name="{{:~prod_name}}" .../>
{{/for}} //products