I have pretty much finished my UCMA application which is designed to be a simple IVR. An unknown user calls a phone number remotely, from their cellphone, the IVR picks up the call, listens and responds to the user's voice and dmtf tones until they hang up.
Up to this point I have been testing the service as I go using xLite on my local machine. It works as intended and now I am working to deploy the application on a server so I can call in using my cell phone to test the application....
What I have:
I have successfully created a Skype For Business Server 2015 along with a trusted application pool running on a standalone server. The mediation server is collocated on the frontendpool(the server running skype for bussiness). And I have a PTSN gateway on another server. I have a PBX and PTSN license along with a PTSN phone number.
To Clarify
I feel like I have all the necessary components set up but I'm not sure how to connect everything together so that I can pickup my cellphone and dial into my UCMA application.
Should I be using conferencing or Enterprise Voice? How do I go about setting up the phone number so that when its called it goes to the Skype for business server which then sends it to my ucma application?
I think you are getting confused here.
First off you need to understand some things:
OK now to your question.
Do you mean generally calling your UCMA application On-Prem?
In this case you need to setup a On-Prem Trusted Application Endpoint using Create-CsTrustedApplicationEndpoint. You can read about Application Endpoints here.
Do you mean PSTN calling your UCMA application On-Prem?
In this case you setup a Application Endpoint above and supply a valid DDI in the LineURI parameter. This is assuming you have PSTN access setup with valid incoming DDI's. e.g. Create-CsTrustedApplicationEndpoint ... -LineUri "tel:+14255551212" or Set-CsTrustedApplicationEndpoint ... -LineUri "tel:+14255551212"
Do you mean calling your UCMA endpoint from Office 365?
This requires a federation connection setup between your Office 365 account and your On-Prem account. Read this and this and this.
Do you mean only running in Office 365?
You don't want a UCMA application then, you want to develop a Skype for Business Application SDK application. Although you may find it very limited currently to specific scenarios that Microsoft have allowed as it's being developed.