I'm having a bit of trouble getting Algolia to work properly. I'm using NodeJS and am trying to have a bit of synchronization going between my database and Algolia, but for some reason a ton of duplicates seem to pop up randomly.
As you can see, in some cases two different entries are popping up with completely different data except for the topic name. I am not running the add-to-algolia code anywhere else, and the UUID is off as entries I put in have "topic-" in front of them.
function loadNewTweets(){
var tweets;
var topics;
var referenceTopics;
topics = [
return Promise.each(topics, function(topic, index){
return new Promise(function(res,rej){
var id = 'topic-'+uuid.v4();
var obj = {
console.log("Adding", topic.topic, "to topic DB + Algolia");
return new Promise(function(res,rej){
var dbInstance;
dbInstance = topic;
return Search.addData('topics', [dbInstance])
dbInstance.algoliaId = content.objectIDs[0];
return dbInstance.save(['algoliaId']);
return res();
return res();
return Database.models.Topic.findAll({})
//If a topic is in the database, but not the topics array.
//Loop through each database entry.
Promise.each(topicsDB, function(topic){
var del = true;
//Go through topics array
for(var i=0;i<topics.length;i++){
//If a topic in the array matches a database entry, dont remove it.
if(topics[i].topic == topic.topic){
del = false;
//If no entry was found in the array for this topic in the database, remove it from the database and Algolia.
console.log("Deleting", topic.topic, "from topic DB + Algolia", topic.algoliaId);
Search.delete('topics', [topic.algoliaId])
Is there some sort of option I'm missing? Any help would be appreciated.
EDIT: There seems to be some sort of relationship between the duplicate and the original, but I still cant figure out what's causing it.
(forgive the bar)
So this is embarrassing.
I forgot about a staging server that was also contributing to the index.