I have created a dyanmic button in Java script with the following code:
var pathname = window.location.pathname;
var html = '<div id="gmSomeID"><form action="https://apples.com/active/index?u='+pathname+'"><input id="tapButton" type="submit" value="TAP" /></form></div>'
That should pass direct someone to the link mentioned above with pathname appended.
When I paste this URL in myself manually this works. However, each time I click this link, the URL is truncated to just:
For reference:
Why would JavaScript / Browser be truncating a link like this?
I thought about this, and had another idea:
Try putting the u
parameter as a hidden input instead of action.
var html = '<div id="gmSomeID"><form action="https://apples.com/active/index"><input type="hidden" name="u" value="'+pathname+'"/><input id="tapButton" type="submit" value="TAP" /></form></div>'
I think that GET input values always override the values in the query string of the action
See also: submitting a GET form with query string params and hidden params disappear