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follower/following in cassandra

We are designing a twitter like follower/following in Cassandra, and found something similar enter image description here

from here

so I think ItemLike is a table? itemid1=>(userid1, userid2...) is a row in the table? what do you think is the create table of this ItemLike table?


  • Yes, ItemLike is a table

    Schema of the ItemLike table will be Like :

    CREATE TABLE itemlike(
        itemid bigint,
        userid bigint,
        timeuuid timeuuid,
        PRIMARY KEY(itemid, userid)

    The picture of the slide is the internal structure of the above table.

    enter image description here

    Let's insert some data :

     itemid | userid | timeuuid
          2 |    100 | f172e3c0-67a6-11e7-8e08-371a840aa4bb
          2 |    103 | eaf31240-67a6-11e7-8e08-371a840aa4bb
          1 |    100 | d92f7e90-67a6-11e7-8e08-371a840aa4bb

    Internally cassandra will store the data like below :

    |    |             100:timeuuid              |            103:timeuuid                | 
    |    +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------|
    |2   | f172e3c0-67a6-11e7-8e08-371a840aa4bb  |  eaf31240-67a6-11e7-8e08-371a840aa4bb  |
    |    |             100:timeuuid              |
    |    +---------------------------------------|
    |1   | d92f7e90-67a6-11e7-8e08-371a840aa4bb  |