I have a VSIX extension (https://github.com/eduelias/AssociateRecentWorkItems) that worked really well on my VS2015 but, as I built/run it on VS2017 (yeah, I've put the prerequisites on the .csproj properties), it is not appearing at 2017's TFS Pending Changes tab.
I've tried updating MIcrosoft.TeamfoundationServer.Controls to the 2017 version but still no success.
As I try to debug it, it seems that VS2017 isn't loading the extension at all. (Breakpoints aren't not been loaded)
Any help is welcome. Thanks!
Looking through the log, I was able to find that some of my references were asking for Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client Version=14.0.0, in fact, It was the Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl version=12.0 that were looking for it.
To solve it, I've made a 'binding redirect' like this:
[assembly: ProvideBindingRedirection(AssemblyName = "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client", NewVersion = "", OldVersionLowerBound = "", OldVersionUpperBound = "")]
It started appearing at the Exp instance and I was able to debug it.
Note that I strongly advise against doing such kind of workaround but, in my case, it was the only way I could make it load my extension so I could debug it.