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Using Eclipse, something keeps adding src/test/java to the classpath

Here is the situation. I am in a java/selenium/maven project. I do not have a test class, thus the only two "Source folders on build path" in Project->Properties->Java Build Path->Source are:

src/main/java and src/main/resources. Also, the src/main/resources "Excluded" is set to (None).

I do a Maven/Update Project...

Now for some reason src/test/java has been added and is missing, and src/main/resouces has been changed to **, which excludes all the files in that directory.

I make the changes to redo all of this, save, do a Maven/Update Project, and again, back to those changes. What keeps changing my .classpath for my projects?

Edited to add the .settings file before and after.

Before executing a Maven->Update Project:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <classpathentry kind="src" output="target/classes" path="src/main/java">
            <attribute name="optional" value="true"/>
            <attribute name="maven.pomderived" value="true"/>
    <classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.m2e.MAVEN2_CLASSPATH_CONTAINER">
            <attribute name="maven.pomderived" value="true"/>
    <classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER/org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.ui.launcher.StandardVMType/JavaSE-1.8">
            <attribute name="maven.pomderived" value="true"/>
    <classpathentry kind="src" output="target/classes" path="src/main/resources">
            <attribute name="maven.pomderived" value="true"/>
    <classpathentry kind="lib" path="src/main/resources/db2jcc_license.jar"/>
    <classpathentry kind="lib" path="src/main/resources/db2jcc4.jar"/>
    <classpathentry kind="lib" path="src/main/resources/ojdbc6.jar"/>
    <classpathentry kind="output" path="target/classes"/>

After executing a Maven->Update Project:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <classpathentry kind="src" output="target/classes" path="src/main/java">
        <attribute name="optional" value="true"/>
            <attribute name="maven.pomderived" value="true"/>
    <classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.m2e.MAVEN2_CLASSPATH_CONTAINER">
            <attribute name="maven.pomderived" value="true"/>
    <classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER/org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.ui.launcher.StandardVMType/JavaSE-1.8">
            <attribute name="maven.pomderived" value="true"/>
    <classpathentry excluding="**" kind="src" output="target/classes" path="src/main/resources">
            <attribute name="maven.pomderived" value="true"/>
    <classpathentry kind="lib" path="src/main/resources/db2jcc_license.jar"/>
    <classpathentry kind="lib" path="src/main/resources/db2jcc4.jar"/>
    <classpathentry kind="lib" path="src/main/resources/ojdbc6.jar"/>
    <classpathentry kind="src" output="target/test-classes" path="src/test/java">
            <attribute name="optional" value="true"/>
            <attribute name="maven.pomderived" value="true"/>
    <classpathentry kind="output" path="target/classes"/>

NOTE: Added the POM.xml from a question asked:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""


    <name>Test Automation Framework</name>





  • In Eclipse, the "Maven - Update Project..." command instructs Eclipse to update its own project files (.classpath and maybe others) based on pom.xml. It is not an actual Maven command. The modifications you are seeing are added by Eclipse, based on the typical layout of a Java/Maven project. I believe this is controlled by the presence of maven2Nature or maven2Builder in .project.

    You haven't actually stated a problem with this so I'm not sure why you'd want to change it. But you may find these answers helpful:

    What exactly does Maven Update Project do in Eclipse?

    What does Maven Update Project do in Eclipse?