angularjs has a built in directive called onchanges
which would listen to changes in a select or whatever and allow you to execute a function upon a change.
How I wish this was so in angular. Currently I am better understanding ngmodel and seeing how I might be able to use a subject to acheive the following.
I have a select of cities:
<div id="venueFilterParams" ngModelGroup="venueFilterParams">
<!-- need to add default values from url-->
<select [ngModel]="citySelect"
<option *ngFor="let city of cities" value="{{city}}">{{city}}</option> <!--come back and wire up-->
and a select of neighborhoods:
<select [ngModel]="neighborhoodSelected"
<option *ngFor="let neighborhood of neighborhoodlist" value="{{neighborhood}}">{{neighborhood}}</option>
If the user selects a city other than the one passed in the URL leading to this page, (which will be default selected I have yet to build that yet)
I need my app to reach out to my database and repopulate the neighborhood select options with the neighboorhoods for that city.
All of that I can do fine, what I am trying to figure out is code which will listen to the city select and run a function which does the above.
Now [ngModel] = citySelect;
will not on its own update, I have to wait for a submit click to capture the value but what about [(ngModel)] = citySelect and listening to the citySelect variable in a subject?
I'm going to keep working on this but your suggestions are really appreciated!
Angular has similar directives called (change) or (ngModelChange).
You need two-way data binding if you want to set initial value for the city based on url. For two-way data binding, (ngModelChange) is a way to go.
Therefore, in your city select:
<select [ngModel]="citySelect"
<option *ngFor="let city of cities" [value]="{{city}}">{{city}}
</option> <!--come back and wire up-->
Then, define onCityChange in your component:
public onCityChange(chosenCity) {
// populate neighborhoodlist based on chosenCity