I would like to detect all gameobjects tagged by "Wall_[0-24]", which are within the camera FOV. I already tried Raycasting, but as it is only one ray, it doesn't catch multiple objects at the same time. I tried this one:
void Update() {
GameObject walls = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Wall");
Renderer[] renders = walls.GetComponentsInChildren<Renderer> ();
for (int i = 1; i < renders.Length; i++) {
if (walls.GetComponentInChildren<Renderer> ().isVisible) {
Debug.Log (renders[i] + " is detected!");
} else {
Debug.Log ("Nothing's detecetd!");
All I get is every wall again and again - doesn't really depend on the camera's position. As my camera follows a certain path, the visible walls should change. In the image the green part is visible and the red one not anymore (because the camera already passed them).
So how could I realize the output of all seen walls by this specific camera?
Thank you for any help!
Using Draco18s' answer, below is how to implement what he said.
Create a new Script and name it CheckWalls and attach the below code
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class CheckWalls : MonoBehaviour
Renderer[] renderers;
void Awake ()
GameObject walls = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Wall");
renderers = walls.GetComponentsInChildren<Renderer> ();
void Update()
void OutputVisibleRenderers (Renderer[] renderers)
foreach (var renderer in renderers)
// output only the visible renderers' name
if (IsVisible(renderer))
Debug.Log (renderer.name + " is detected!");
Debug.Log ("--------------------------------------------------");
private bool IsVisible(Renderer renderer)
Plane[] planes = GeometryUtility.CalculateFrustumPlanes(Camera.main);
if (GeometryUtility.TestPlanesAABB(planes , renderer.bounds))
return true;
return false;