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Lab 2 Google Earth Engine - error

I am new to coding and have just started using the Google Earth Engine code editor. I am on Lab 2 provided by Google Earth Engine:

When in complete the practical to number 1.a.v. I get two errors.

See the complete code below:

var myd09 = ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/006/MYD09GA');

// Define a region of interest as a point at SFO airport.
var sfoPoint = ee.Geometry.Point(-122.3774, 37.6194);

// Center the map at that point.
Map.centerObject(sfoPoint, 16);

// Get a surface reflectance image from the MODIS MYD09GA collection.
var modisImage = ee.Image(myd09.filterDate('2011-08-28').first());

// Use these MODIS bands for red, green, blue, respectively.
var modisBands = ['sur_refl_b01', 'sur_refl_b04', 'sur_refl_b03'];

// Define visualization parameters for MODIS.
var modisVis = {bands: modisBands, min: 0, max: 3000};

// Add the MODIS image to the map.
Map.addLayer(modisImage, modisVis, 'MODIS');

// Get the scale of the data from the first band's projection:
var modisScale ='sur_refl_b01').projection().nominalScale();

print('MODIS scale:', modisScale);

The errors i receive are:

1) Number (Error) Parameter 'input' is required. 2) MODIS: Layer error: Asset is not an Image or ImageCollection.

Is anyone able to help me with the solution or point me in the right direction!

Thank you, Harriet Wilson


  • Yes, if you print the image (to see its information), like:


    you'll see that it is null, so I printed out the collection:


    and found that the collection starts on 2016, so just change the filter Date:

    var modisImage = ee.Image(myd09.filterDate('2016-08-11').first());