I want to know if this is possible to convert a multipolygon to a list of seperated polygons. because I drew several polygons as multipolygon in code editor and now i separate for training-testing procedure. any advice is appreciated.
there might be several options on the table. but if you want to handle that on the server side you can do it in this way:
// a function which converts a multipolygon to a list of polygons
var multipoly2polylist = function(multipoly){
var size = multipoly.coordinates().size()
var polylist = ee.List.sequence(0, size.add(-1), 1)
var polylist = polylist.map(function(listelem){
return ee.Geometry.Polygon(multipoly.coordinates().get(listelem))
return polylist
(if we suppose that you drew multipolygon named farm), then you can use this function for farm multipolygon object.
var farm_polylist = multipoly2polylist(farm)
I think it should work.