I know this question has been asked before in some form. But I am still confused.
Suppose I have two classes.
class A{
void foo(int a, int b);
virtual void foo(int a) = 0;
class B : public class A{
void foo(int a);
Now if I want to make the visibility of the non virtual function in class A public in class B .... how do I do that?? ... In other words currently I am able to call the non virtual function in this manner
B b;
b.A::foo(3, 5);
and I want to avoid this ^
and the solution of putting this
using A::foo;
in public B refers the virtual function in A .... not the non-virtual function ... so I think that is not the solution.
class A{
void foo(int a, int b);
virtual void foo(int a) = 0;
class B : public A{
using A::foo;
void foo(int a);
void f()
B b;
b.foo(1,2); // OK
b.foo(3); // error: ‘virtual void B::foo(int)’ is protected within this context
works as expcted. foo with two parameters is callable, foo with one not.