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spring-cloud-sleuth header from legacy application

While creating a microservice I decided to experiment with Spring-cloud sleuth.

My calling application is still on old version of Spring and it is not possible to include Spring-cloud-sleuth into the scope.

While referring to the documentation, it says that I need to pass just these 2 headers. X-B3-TraceId X-B3-SpanId

But is there a Specific format that I should be using to make it in compliance with the future. In my case, it failed when I used a non HEX value .. then debugged andfigured out that this value has to be in hex. Should it be just any random hex or or any specific pattern I need to respect.


  • Yes, we are Zipkin compatible thus you have to have proper 64 or 128 bit numer - please check the Zipkin documentation for more information . You can also check the Javadocs -