I am trying to execute following code:
MongoDatabase db = MongoDatabaseConnector.getDatabase();
MongoCollection<Document> chatLogCollection = db.getCollection("chatLog");
AggregateIterable<Document> result = chatLogCollection.aggregate(Arrays.asList(
new Document("$group", new Document("_id", new Document("sessionId", "$sessionGUID").append("time", "$ts").append("makerID", "$makerID"))),
new Document("$sort", new Document("time", -1)),
new Document("$skip", skip),
new Document("$limit", limit)
As I expected the output should not have duplicate sessionId
values since I am using group by sessionId
. But the problem is that the resulted output has duplicated sessionId
"displayName": "Unauthenticated User",
"sessionId": "7b60615d-5909-1bf8-e5b9-6ee55e08452d",
"time": {
"$date": 1499759790117
"makerID": "NA"
"displayName": "Unauthenticated User",
"sessionId": "0a6b5db0-fecf-a7c2-9757-67e562b7e37e",
"time": {
"$date": 1499840350180
"makerID": "NA"
"displayName": "Unauthenticated User",
"sessionId": "0a6b5db0-fecf-a7c2-9757-67e562b7e37e",
"time": {
"$date": 1499840353438
"makerID": "NA"
Try to group only by sessionId
like this:
AggregateIterable<Document> result = chatLogCollection.aggregate(Arrays.asList(
new Document("$group", new Document("_id", "$sessionGUID")
.append("time", new Document("$first", "$ts"))
.append("makerID", new Document("$first","$makerID"))),
new Document("$sort", new Document("time", -1)),
new Document("$skip", skip),
new Document("$limit", limit)