I do have main application JFrame window which can include different components. I open a self implemented OnScreenKeyboard when the user select a editable textfield. The OSK is also a JFrame window.
When the user drag the main window to another monitor, the OSK should also be shown on the same monitor. For this i have to detect the monitor the main JFrame is shown.
I try to find a method in
but was not able to find someting.
Do you know how i can detect the monitor where a JFrame is shown?
Java-Version 1.4 Windows XP
Answer, if the solution of all available monitors are the same.
For AWT:
Every Control does have the method getMonitor() from which the screen position get can calculated from like:
Monitor widgetMonitor = mTextWidget.getMonitor();
Rectangle monitorRect = widgetMonitor.getBounds();
if(monitorRect.x < 0){
// shown in left monitor, starting from the main monitor
if(monitorRect.x > monitorRect.width){
// shown in right monitor, starting from the main monitor
For SWT:
It is just a snip at my origial code. you should ask if return values are not null ans something like this!
int monitorWidth = 0;
GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
GraphicsDevice[] screenDevices = ge.getScreenDevices();
if(screenDevices.length > 0){
monitorWidth = screenDevices[0].getDisplayMode().getWidth();
Point ownerLocationOnScreen = owner.getLocationOnScreen();
int screenMovingX = 0;
if(ownerLocationOnScreen.x < 0){
screenMovingX = -monitorWidth;
if(ownerLocationOnScreen.x > monitorWidth){
screenMovingX = monitorWidth;