Hi i am currently creating a new connection with a Zebra Printer every minute and it is working fine for 5 to 8 hours. After that I got the "No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it" error. Once this error appears it is impossible to reconnect with the printer until i completely Shutdown and Power-up the Zebra printer.
I'm i not closing properly my tcpClient steam or what can't cause the error to appear after approximately 300 Reconnection
My Code :
private TcpClient client = new TcpClient();
private Timer TimZebraTimeOut;
private int ZebraTimeOutTime = 60000;
private bool NewConnectionNeeded = true;
TimZebraTimeOut = new Timer(TimZebraTimeOutCallback, null,this.ZebraTimeOutTime, Timeout.Infinite);
private void CreateNewConnectionIfComTimeOut
if (this.NewConnectionNeeded ) // If time is out Create new connection with Zebra Printer
//Close last connexion open
//Create a new one
client = new TcpClient();
// Add Read/Write TimeOut
client.SendTimeout = 10000;
client.ReceiveTimeout = 10000;
//Create TCP Connection
client.Connect(this.config.IpAddress, this.config.Port);
// Connection with PrinterEstablished
this.NewConnectionNeeded = false;
this.iLog.Info("CommunicationWithZebraPrinter : New connection With Labeler Established "); // If New connection not caused by timeout
catch (Exception exception)
// Write exception in Log
this.iLog.Error("CommunicationWithZebraPrinter : Can't establish a connection with printer: " + exception.Message.ToString());
// Zebra Communication Timer interrupt callback function
private void TimZebraTimeOutCallback(Object state)
// Flag That ZebraCom have timeout
this.NewConnectionNeeded= true;
//Restart Zebra Com TimeOut
TimZebraTimeOut.Change(this.ZebraTimeOutTime, Timeout.Infinite);
Thanks a lot
Netstat View :
When a new connection is established the 3 local Port are Incremented.
My Problem was that the Zebra printer have by default a connection timeout of 300 sec and i was creating a new connection each minute. After a short duration (6 Hours) i was overflowing the printer connection buffer. I Simply changed the printer timeout for 1 min and polled the printer to detect disconnection.