When we run a Java application, we know that the first object to be loaded is java.lang.Object
. However, java.lang.Object
has methods which throw exceptions like CloneNotSupportedException
or InterruptedException
, which are in turn other objects.
The question is: when java.lang.Object
is just getting loaded, how is it possible to have its child (for example exception objects) objects being already created?
are two different things.
Rough explanation:
means the JVM loaded a class into its base class loader. This makes the class available for instantiation. When JVM starts, it first loads all classes through the used/linked jar
files, without instantiating them. This means, when the first new Object()
is created, the exceptions which are used by Object
are already known. This is still a declaration. The instance of the exception is created only when that particular exception is thrown.
For technically correct explanation see the link which @Jim Garrison has mentioned: