I'm not sure if this is a bug. I try to make an even 'onclick' on a start bottom and start listening any word to start the program. But right now is playing the first audio automatically every time when I refresh the page after 3 seconds. Did I do something wrong? Any help would be helpful. Thank you in advance.
if (annyang)
function playFirstAudio()
audio.src = dir + playList[audioIndex] + extention;
setTimeout(function(){audio.play();}, 3000);
var playList = ["1_hello", "2_how_old", "3_what_did_you_make"];
var dir = "sound/";
var extention = ".wav";
var audioIndex = 0;
audio = new Audio();
//annyang.addCallback('start', playFirstAudio);
audio.onended = playFirstAudio();
<div class="container">
<button id="runProgram" onclick='annyang.start();' class="runProgrambutton">Start</button>
You are calling the playFirstAudio()
when you are trying to set the audio.ended callback. Note: audio.ended not audio.onended
audio.onended = playFirstAudio(); //<-- this is calling playFirstAudio();
You assign a call back function by specifying the method name without ()
, like this:
audio.onended = playFirstAudio;
Otherwise, wrap it in a anonymous function like this:
audio.onended = function() { playFirstAudio(); };
Your button click is firing the voice recognition to start.
But you also need to register a call back to fire when a sound is heard by the voice recognition engine:
var audio = new Audio();
if (annyang)
annyang.addCallback('start', function() {console.log('started listening');});
annyang.addCallback('soundstart', function {onSoundDetected();});
function onSoundDetected() {
console.log('sound was detected');
var playList = ["sound/1_hello.wav", "sound/2_how_old.wav", "sound/3_what_did_you_make.wav"];
var audioIndex = 0;
function playNextAudio()
audio.src = playList[audioIndex++];
audioIndex= audioIndex % playList.Length;// start at zero when we reach the end.
audio.ended = function() {playNextAudio()};
audio.oncanplay = function() {audio.play();}
<div class="container">
<button id="runProgram" onclick='annyang.start();' class="runProgrambutton">Start</button>