I'm trying to evaluate an expression which contains power, in string as **
. i.e. eval("(22**3)/12*6+3/2")
.The problem is Internet Explorer 11 does not recognizes this and throws syntax error. Which poly-fill I should use to overcome this? Right now I'm using Modernizr 2.6.2
example equation would be,
If it is not possible to do this, what are the possible alternatives?
You cannot polyfill operators - only library members (prototypes, constructors, properties).
As your operation is confined to an eval
call, you could attempt to write your own expression parser, but that would be a lot of work.
(As an aside, you shouldn't be using eval
anyway, for very good reasons that I won't get into in this posting).
Another (hack-ish) option is to use a regular expression to identify trivial cases of x**y
and convert them to Math.pow
function detectAndFixTrivialPow( expressionString ) {
var pattern = /(\w+)\*\*(\w+)/i;
var fixed = expressionString.replace( pattern, 'Math.pow($1,$2)' );
return fixed;
eval( detectAndFixTrivialPow( "foo**bar" ) );