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check/uncheck all with collection_check_boxes

I'm using simple_form_for passing only a symbol instead of a model to the form so I can send custom parameters back to the controller. I managed to default the checkboxes to all selected by default.

What I can't figure out is how to add a select/unselect all checkbox. I imagine I need some JS in there, but I don't know which attribute I have to change the value.

I checked in the browser console if any attributes change when I check/uncheck any item but no attributes in the input element change. The <form> element does shine when I check/uncheck an item though. That's how close to a clue I could come to.

= simple_form_for :mass_unassignment, url: admin_merchant_holiday_path(@merchant), method: :post do |f|
    - if @jobs.present?
      %h3 Cleaning
            %td= check_box_tag :mass_select
            %td Id
            %td Date
            %td Customer
          = f.collection_check_boxes :jobs, @jobs, :id, :start_at, checked: do |el|
            - job = el.object
              %td= el.check_box checked_value: 1
              %td= link_to, admin_job_path(job)
              %td= job.start_at.strftime('%e %b %y – %I:%M%P')
              %td= link_to job.customer.full_name, admin_customers_path(job.customer)

HTLM generated

Browser view


  • This seems to be more of a Javascript question than a RoR question. From the link given in the comment by @jdgray, you can use this:

    function toggle(source) {
      checkboxes = document.getElementsByName('foo');
      for(var i=0, n=checkboxes.length;i<n;i++) {
        checkboxes[i].checked = source.checked;

    Or, if you are using jQuery, then you can do something like this:

        if ($(this).prop('checked')){
            $('form :checked').each(function(){
                $(this).prop('checked', true);
            $('form :checked').each(function(){
                $(this).prop('checked', false);