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Flatten a JSON string to make the key including each level key value to Map<String, String> using Gson or Jackson

I have an enhanced question regarding Flatten a JSON string to Map using Gson or Jackson.

My scenario included duplicated keys, so the solution in the above question will cause some duplicated keys overwritten. So I am thinking to construct keys by combining each level's key together.

So how to achieve that?

For example:

    "id" : "123",
    "name" : "Tom",
    "class" : {
        "subject" : "Math",
        "teacher" : "Jack"

I want to get the Map:

"id" : "123",
"name" : "Tom",
"class.subject" : "Math",
"class.teacher" : "Jack"

************************Update Solution*************************************

Based on @Manos Nikolaidis's answer, I am able to achieve the following solution by considering ArrayNode.

public void processJsonString(String jsonString) throws Exception {
    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    ArrayNode arrayNode = (ArrayNode) mapper.readTree(jsonString);

private void processObjectNode(JsonNode jsonNode) {
    Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<>();
    Iterator<Map.Entry<String, JsonNode>> iterator = jsonNode.fields();
    iterator.forEachRemaining(node -> mapAppender(result, node, new ArrayList<String>()));

private void processArrayNode(ArrayNode arrayNode) {
    for (JsonNode jsonNode : arrayNode) {

private void mapAppender(Map<String, String> result, Map.Entry<String, JsonNode> node, List<String> names) {
    if (node.getValue().isTextual()) {
        String name ="."));
        result.put(name, node.getValue().asText());
    } else if (node.getValue().isArray()) {
        processArrayNode((ArrayNode) node.getValue());
    } else if (node.getValue().isNull()) {
        String name ="."));
        result.put(name, null);
    } else {
                        .forEachRemaining(nested -> mapAppender(result, nested, new ArrayList<>(names)));


  • You can get the JSON as JsonNode and go through all fields recursively and add key and value field to a Map. When a value is an object instead of string you can add the field name to List to be joined with periods when a string is finally encountered. First create (for readability) a separate method that add Json fields to a Map:

    void mapAppender(Map<String, String> result, Entry<String, JsonNode> node, List<String> names) {
        if (node.getValue().isTextual()) {
            String name ="."));
            result.put(name, node.getValue().asText());
        } else {
                .forEachRemaining(nested -> mapAppender(result, nested, new ArrayList<>(names)));

    and use it like this:

    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<>();
        .forEachRemaining(node -> mapAppender(result, node, new ArrayList<String>()));

    Where fields() returns an Iterator. Beware of StackOverflowErrors and perhaps low performance for deeply nested JSON.