is there a simple way to find overlapping circles (each with one point in the middle and the same radius) in Java?
For example, if I have a dataset and I have those points
Point1 (3|3)
Point2 (4|2)
r = 1
So I will have it like this:
How can I check in Java, whether those two points are overlapping?
Best and thank you in advance!
The circles overlap if the distance between the centers is less than the sum of the radii:
public static boolean checkOverlap(Circle c1, Circle c2) {
return Math.hypot(c1.x - c2.x, c1.y - c2.y) < c1.r + c2.r;
If you have many circles and are looking for pairwise overlaps, you might be able to use a k-d tree to do better than O(n2).