I'm new to tmux and trying to understand it's configuration. I've started with looking at some pre-existing .tmux.conf files and whatever documentation I can find but it still leaves me wondering about the flags. I've seen the following so far:
A few examples from the ArchWiki entry on tmux
set -g prefix C-a
set -ga terminal-overrides ",xterm-termite:Tc"
set-option -g xterm-keys on
And one line from a .tmux.conf file
set-window-option -g
What do the flags mean and are there any particular cases when one flag is preferable over another?
is the alias of set-option
set -g
is used to set global options and -ga
appends values to existing settings.
From Tmux's man page:
With -a, and if the option expects a string or a style, value is appended to the existing setting. For example:
set -g status-left "foo" set -ag status-left "bar"
Will result in ‘foobar’. And:
set -g status-style "bg=red" set -ag status-style "fg=blue"
Will result in a red background and blue foreground. Without -a, the result would be the default background and a blue foreground.
(alias setw
) is used to configure window options (allow-rename
, mode-keys
, synchronize-panes
, etc.) and the same flag options are available.