So I've never really worked with binary files before and I'm new to C++. I wanted to read a wav file and output its data section into a txt (seperating the value of each sample with a comma). I also managed to read in the header section, but this code is not important here so I'll not include it.
My wav file stores data in the IEEE 754 standard (floating point numbers) at 32bps. I first read the entire wav file into a char vector and try to work with that afterwards. The output of the program is what I expect it to be, I can play the sound back in Python by reading in the txt without issues. The program is just horribly slow (it takes several minutes for a wav file that is a couple seconds long).
This is wavReader.cpp
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "wavFile.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
int main()
std::ifstream file("file.wav", std::ios::binary);
std::vector<char> buffer((
std::cout << "Loading complete!\n";
WavFile wavFile = setWavFile(buffer);
return 0;
This is wavFile.h
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
struct WavFile
uint32_t dataSize;
WavFile setWavFile(std::vector<char> buffer);
uint32_t getUint32(std::vector<char> buffer, std::vector<char>::iterator it);
This is wavFile.cpp
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "WavFile.h"
#include <fstream>
WavFile setWavFile(std::vector<char> buffer) {
WavFile wavFile;
std::vector<char>::iterator it = buffer.begin();
// Beginning of data chunk is marked with "data"
it += 4;
while (*(it - 4) != 'd' ||
*(it - 3) != 'a' ||
*(it - 2) != 't' ||
*(it - 1) != 'a')
wavFile.dataSize = getUint32(buffer, it), it += 4;
std::ofstream output("data.txt");
while (it != buffer.end())
char outputChar[4];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; (i++, it++))
outputChar[i] = *it;
char* outputStr = outputChar;
char** outputStrPtr = &outputStr;
float** outputPtr = reinterpret_cast<float**>(outputStrPtr);
output << **outputPtr << ", ";
std::cout << static_cast<double>(std::distance(buffer.begin(), it)) * 100 / wavFile.dataSize << "\%\n";
return wavFile;
uint32_t getUint32(std::vector<char> buffer, std::vector<char>::iterator it)
char outputChar[4];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; (i++, it++))
outputChar[i] = *it;
char* outputStr = outputChar;
char** outputStrPtr = &outputStr;
uint32_t** outputPtr = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t**>(outputStrPtr);
return **outputPtr;
I made the program print the progress to the console. Note that this only works with wav files that have one channel and store the samples in IEEE 754 standard. You can find the file I used here. I'm just a hobby programmer, so forgive me that I have no clue what makes my program this slow... Is it the vector iteration? Or is it the kinda messy variable declarations with reinterpret_cast?
Maybe the progress printing slows it down? You print a lot. Maybe you can try to print only when the integral value of the percent changes, like:
int lastPercent = -1;
loop {
float percent = ...;
int integralPercent = (int)percent;
if (integralPercent!=lastPercent) {
lastPercent = integralPercent;
// print percent here