I am new to react native, and trying to build an app to practise. I have arrived to the routing part, but it is not working properly. I have now three components. The app, the router and one called game.
I have this in the routing:
import React from 'react';
import { Scene, Router } from 'react-native-router-flux'
import { GameComponent } from './game'
const RouterComponent = () => {
return (
<Scene key="root">
title="New Game"
export default RouterComponent;
And this in the app:
import { Actions } from 'react-native-router-flux';
export default class App extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<Text>Basketball App</Text>
onPress={() => Actions.game()}
title="New Game">
But i receive the following error message: undefined is not a function. What am I missing?
Thanks a lot in advance
You also need to define the Home Screen in your Router
Import your GameComponent
import GameComponent from './game';
Create your Router
const RouterComponent = () => {
return (
<Scene key="root">
<Scene key="home" component={Home} title="Home" />
<Scene key="game" component={GameComponent} title="New Game" />
Create your Home Screen
class Home extends Component {
render() {
return (
<View style={{flex:1}}>
<Text>Basketball App</Text>
onPress={() => Actions.game() }
title="New Game">
Main App
export default class App extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<RouterComponent />