How to check if an object with animator is currently in an empty state?
I need to disable the object using SetActive(false), so that:
if the object is in transition between states - finish the transition and then disable it.
if the object is in default empty state - disable it immediately.
This code works if the object is in transition, but doesn't work if it is in empty state:
Ok here's how I did it.
I'm assuming you know the name of your "default empty state" that you want to disable your object in.
Declare a static int variable which has the "default empty state" as a string to hash like this:
static int VAR-NAME = Animator.StringToHash("Base.NAMEOFSTATE");
This is assuming that your base layer is called "Base".
Then in Update(), put the current state in a variable like this:
currentState = anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0);
and then use an If statement to check if your "default empty state" is equal to the current state like this:
if (currentState.nameHash == VAR-NAME){
Debug.Log("Do Stuff Here");
Have fun coding!