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Instantiating types using AutoMapper with a DI container

Please see the code below:

public class Test : ITest
        public ITest2 _iTest2;
        public int _id;
        public string _name;

        public Test(ITest2 test2)
            _iTest2 = test2;

    public interface ITest

    public class Test2 : ITest2

    public interface ITest2


    public class Test3 : ITest3
        public int _id;
        public string _name;

    public interface ITest3


I have the following in my Global.asax:

Mapper.Initialize(m =>
 m.CreateMap<DataLayer.Test3, BusinessLayer.Test>().ConstructUsing(opt => new BusinessLayer.Test(new BusinessLayer.Test2()));

I can map the types in my client app doing this:

cfg.CreateMap<DataLayer.Test3, BusinessLayer.Test>().ConstructUsing(opt => new BusinessLayer.Test(new BusinessLayer.Test2()));

How can I map the types using Castle Windsor instead of having to use the new keyword for Test and Test2?

I read another answer and someone suggested doing this:

 public void Install(IWindsorContainer container, IConfigurationStore store)

        // container.Register(Types.FromAssembly(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()).BasedOn<IValueResolver>());
        var profiles = container.ResolveAll<Profile>();

        // Add your list of profiles to the mapper configuration here
        Mapper.Initialize(m => {
            profiles.ToList().ForEach(p => m.AddProfile(p));

        // I'm not sure about this as I haven't used AutoMapper for a while,
        // but I assume you want to resolve the static mapper instance

Do I have to do this:

cfg.CreateMap<DataLayer.Test3, BusinessLayer.Test>().ConstructUsing(opt => new BusinessLayer.Test(new BusinessLayer.Test2()));

or should AutoMapper be able to map the types using this:

cfg.CreateMap<DataLayer.Test3, BusinessLayer.Test>()


  • In order to get AutoMapper to use Windsor to create the target type, you need to configure two things:

    1. Tell AutoMapper to construct services using Windsor
    2. Tell AutoMapper (per-mapping) to actually use the above configuration

       var container = new WindsorContainer();
          Mapper.Initialize(m =>
              m.CreateMap<Test3, ITest>().ConstructUsingServiceLocator(); // This is important!
          var test3 = new Test3();
          var test1 = Mapper.Instance.Map<Test3, ITest>(test3);