I have my simple Phonegap app, which is based on tabbed layout. On one of these tabs I have list of tags (more than one). All of these have buttons to edit and delete. Its like this:
<div class="tag-buttons" uid="TAG_ID">
<button class="edit-tag btn btn-default btn-sm">Edit</button>
<button id="aaa" class="remove-tag btn btn-danger btn-sm" onclick="removeTag()">Remove</button>
Now I want do handle this removeTag() function. So I have in my JS file this function:
function removeTag()
Console.log and commented line are only samples. I want to know which button was clicked (I need uid value). All of buttons have this same class. $(this) is returning Window object. Any ideas?
I had made stupid error. Now everything is working.
I had to change onclick="removeTag()"
to onclick="removeTag(this)"
and then in JS function was quite good. I changed function declaration to use additional argument like this:
function removeTag(button)
var id = $(button).parent().parent().attr("uid");