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UnityWebRequest and Azure Bot issue

I am currently trying to link a Unity application to my bot messaging endpoint in portal Azure. To do this, I use a UnityWebRequest.GET call as explained in Unity doc (

The fact is that I always encounter the same issue when I launch the app: The HTTP 'GET' method is not supported by the 'GenericJsonWebHookReceiver' WebHook receiver

I have no idea of how or where do I have to make changes in order to solve this. Does anyone facing the same issue?

Here is my code:

IEnumerator GetText()
    UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Get("<messaging endpoint of the bot>");
    yield return www.Send();

    if (www.isError)
        // Show results as text

        // Or retrieve results as binary data
        byte[] results =;


  • The error you are seeing doesn't have anything to do with Unity, but https://[YourBotId] is not callable via Get, it is a Post method. If you navigate to the /api/messages path in a browser, you'll see the same error message.

    enter image description here

    Have you tried Posting an Activity to the messages endpoint?

    I haven't tried this out, but maybe it can help you: