i need help i run code from xml file the first class called login it runs correctly but when it goes to setting class it fails that tells no such element
<suite name="myapp">
<test name="first">
<class name="cybertalents.loginclass"></class>
<class name="cybertalents.Settingclass"></class>
public class suiteclass {
WebDriver driver;
public void beforeSuite() {
System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", "E:/Software Testing/Selenium/Programs/geckodriver.exe");
driver = new FirefoxDriver();
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(15, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
public void aftersuite() {
public class loginclass extends suiteclass {
public void loginpage() {
loginpage login = new loginpage(driver);
login.sendkeys("", "");
public class Settingclass extends suiteclass {
public void Method1()
setting st = new setting(driver);
st.sendkeys("", "", "", "]", "Software Testing",
"", "", "");
st.birthdate("25", "Jan", "2010");
st.graduation("9", "Aug", "2015");
st.selectfunction("f", "Angola", "Afghanistan", "Afghanistan", "Arabic");
**test case of setting class related to login class i want to do it after finish login test case but it tells bo such element **
**Great i found the result ** the webdriver must be static