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Making preview in writing page using AngularJS

I want have a preview in my writing page just like here in StackOverFlow question writing.

Everytime i press enterkey in the textarea, it doesn't make new line but just a space.

Instead of typing >br< tag in the textarea, I want pressing enterkey as really making a new line in the preview area.

Please help me and Thank you.

here's my code

	var app = angular.module("myApp", [ 'ngSanitize' ]);

	app.controller("myCtrl", function($scope) {
	<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl">
		<textarea ng-model="myText"></textarea>
		<p id="contentsPreview" ng-bind-html="myText"></p>



  • Can be done with css

    #contentsPreview {
      white-space: pre;// or pre-line

    Otherwise use a function or filter to replace \n with <br>

    $scope.n2br = function(str){
       return str.replace(/\\n/g, '<br>')