I am using drop solve for a MIP optimization problem, to generate K solutions.
I would like to terminate after 60 seconds. I use cplex.params[1039] = 60; Also tried cplex.tilim = 60 in my .mod file
But the program doesn't stops.
Found this SO link to do the same in Java, but I am using DropSolve DoCplex Cloud. Using the Java API's Terminate and retrieve solution in ILOG after a certain time limit
I answered the question on the docplexcloud forum https://developer.ibm.com/answers/questions/385233/dropsolve-cplex-terminate-after-t-time.html.
The engine respects the parameter settings but the .mod file executes some scripting code after the solve. Execution of that code takes longer than expected but this is beyond the control of the engine and its parameters.