I have two Interface Controllers with FirstInterfaceController being the one where I have a context object I want to send to SecondInterfaceController. I am wondering why context is showing up as nil when I expect it to be 0 when I tap the buttonAction.
Metadata is defined as follows:
class Metadata {
var x = 0
init (x_parameter: Int) {
x = x_parameter
Here is my definition of FirstInterfaceController:
class FirstInterfaceController: WKInterfaceController {
var metadata = Metadata(x: 1)
@IBAction func buttonAction() {
metadata.x = 0
// Use pushControllerWithName for a push segue
pushController(withName: "Ten Point Tiebreaker", context: metadata)
Here is my Identifier for the SecondInterfaceController
Here is the definition of SecondInterfaceController:
class SecondInterfaceController: WKInterfaceController {
override func awake(withContext context: Any?) {
super.awake(withContext: context)
print("context: \(String(describing: context))") // This prints nil
// Configure interface objects here.
if let metadata = context as? Metadata {
print("x: \(metadata.x)")
The problem I had was that I also had a Push segue so that was causing some issues. I just removed the Push segue and it worked fine.