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How to implement recursive mutex with timeout in the OS X kernel?

I'm porting a windows device driver to Mac OS X. The windows code uses KMUTEX. This is a recursive lock that can be acquired multiple times by the same thread. Other threads must wait to acquire it, but the acquisition will fail if the timeout occurs.

The I/O Kit's IORecursiveLock doesn't do timeouts. I can use BSD locks or Mach locks. The BSD part of the kernel offers condition variables with msleep() and wakeup().

I'm not clear if a condition variable will do what I want.

sem_timedwait(3) on BSD is in userspace.

Keith Shortridge provides a userspace set_timedwait implementation. One thread calls sem_wait() while another thread that sends a signal to the first if a timeout occurs.

I could port Shortridge's code to the kernel but I don't want to risk screwing it up. Google yields no other insight. Can you give me a clue?


  • This link might be helpful, by the documentation this has what you need, maybe the method wait_result_tlck_mtx_sleep_deadline: