I want to understand why is the below scenario occurring? Issue : The Junit test fails with HttpConnect exception if I use Pact Junit Rule. But the same test passes and pact file is generated if I use the Pact DSL Directly. Can someone enlighten me why and how to get going with the Pact Junit Rule?
Code using Pact Junit Rule :(This fails with HttpHostConnectException)
public PactProviderRule rule = new PactProviderRule("DrivePOC", PactSpecVersion.V2, this);
/*Setting up what your expectations are*/
@Pact(provider = "P1",consumer = "C1")
public PactFragment createFragment(PactDslWithProvider builder)
PactFragment pactFragment = ConsumerPactBuilder
.uponReceiving("load Files Data")
.body("{\"givefileId\": \"abc\"}")
.body("{\"fileId\": \"abcfileId1234\"}")
return pactFragment;
/*Test similar to Junit, verifies if the test are ok and the responses are as per expectations set in the createFragment*/
@PactVerification(value = "P1")
public void runTest() throws IOException
MockProviderConfig config = MockProviderConfig.createDefault();
Map expectedResponse = new HashMap();
expectedResponse.put("fileId", "abcfileId1234");
try {
Assert.assertEquals(new ProviderClient(config.url()).helloToDrive("{\"givefileId\": \"abc\"}"),
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
Code using Pact DSL Directly(This Junit passes and generate Pact file successfully)
public void testPact() {
PactFragment pactFragment = ConsumerPactBuilder
.uponReceiving("load Files Data")
.body("{\"givefileId\": \"abc\"}")
.body("{\"fileId\": \"abcfileId1234\"}")
MockProviderConfig config = MockProviderConfig.createDefault();
VerificationResult result = pactFragment.runConsumer(config, new TestRun() {
public void run(MockProviderConfig config) throws Throwable {
Map expectedResponse = new HashMap();
expectedResponse.put("fileId", "abcfileId1234");
try {
Assert.assertEquals(new ProviderClient(config.url()).helloToHueDrive("{\"givefileId\": \"abc\"}"),
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
if (result instanceof PactError) {
throw new RuntimeException(((PactError)result).error());
Assert.assertEquals(ConsumerPactTest.PACT_VERIFIED, result);
I could make my annotations work, after changing Junit version from 4.8 to 4.9.